Ikaw Ang Pag-ibig - Pinoy Movie
The movie revolves around a young, contemporary, rebellious woman Vangie Cruz (INA FELEO), whose family life and career as a video editor are disrupted when her only brother, a newly ordained priest, Fr. Johnny (MARVIN AGUSTIN), is diagnosed of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). As a sibling, Vangie is called upon to be a donor for Fr. Johnny's bone marrow transplant. At first, Vangie is very reluctant. She has a clinical phobia for medical procedures, the reasons for which are rooted in an attempted, but botched, abortion which she suffered through many years earlier and has since been troubled about. Her life is saved by Dr. Joey Lucas (JOMARI YLLANA) with whom she has a love child, and whom she eventually marries.
Main Cast
Ina Feleo, Jomari Yllana, Marvin Agustin
Supporting Cast
Eddie Garcia, Jaime Fabregas, Nonie Buencamino, Shamaine Centenera, Yogo Sinch
Marilou Diaz-Abaya
Drama Movie